Ohio Township Public Library System
Ohio Township Central Public LibraryNEWBURGH, INDIANA
New Library
40,000 SF
Just as a book reveals itself as light falls on its pages, the Ohio Township Library is energized by daylight filtering through its public spaces. The community, during an intensive design charrette, defined the building’s styling as “classical, yet modern.”
Ohio Township Library, designed and engineered by VPS Architecture, demonstrates the benefits of high performance design: lower first costs, lower operating costs, greater comfort, and less impact on the environment. Autoclaved, aerated concrete exterior walls have insulation value, fire resistance and acoustical performance superior to comparable materials.
As we have done for our building at 528 Main Street in Evansville, VPS Architecture helped the library system obtain a state grant for matching funding of a photovoltaic solar system that converts sunlight into electrical energy. The energy is sent back to the utility grid with the library’s electric meter spinning backward.